List of The Title Automata and Language Theory Conference

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The Conference held on tuesday, 20/1/2009 at the Campus B Building Electrical Engineering Departement of Diponegoro University Semarang.

List of schedule will be adjusted with the attendance it. prepare materials as well as possible.

survivors wait up ...

Otomata and Language Theory

Language Theory and Otomata, Firrar Utdirartatmo
An Introduction to Formal Language and Automata, Peter Linz
Meaning according to the American Heritage Dictionary:
1. a robot
2. one that behaves in an automatic or mechanical fashion
Meaning in the world of mathematics
In connection with the theory of the abstract machine, the machine sekuensial receiving the input, output and issued, in the form of diskrit.
• Machine Jaja / vending machine
• Key combinations
• parser / compiler
Otomata theory and formal language, in a related case:
• Pembangkitan sentence / generation: all the expressions in the language L based on the rule held
• Introduction to the sentence / recognition: to specify a string (sentence), including as a member of the collective L.
Formal language
A sentence was formed with a series of implementing rules on the production of a symbol of 'root'. The process of applying the rules of production can be described as a tree diagram.

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Multimedia Module Practices 2008

Plain text of the text is only the pure form of text characters without any
have any format. An example is a plain text when typing with us
use a standard text editor such as notepad (. txt) in Windows. Plain Text
diversiform MIME text / plain. Terenkrispsi not text files, do not contain embedded
information, such as the font of information, does not contain a link, and inline-image.
There are differences between the plain text format in the Windows and UNIX. In Windows,
marked the end of the line with the Carriage Return / Line Feed + CR / LF (\ 13 \ 10) while
marked with the UNIX Line Feed / LF (\ 10) are

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report MUTLIMEDIA practice 2008


Alhamdulillah, I praised and thank Allah SWT, on the completion of writing this report MUTLIMEDIA practice. This report I made to meet the subjects MUTLIMEDIA practice. On this occasion we would like to thank the many:
1. My mother who always give moral and material support.
2. Bpk. Ir. Sudjadi, MT as the Chairman of the Electrical Engineering Department of UNDIP.
3. Bpk. R. Rizal Isnanto, ST, MM, MT as Lecturer Subject Multimedia
4. Bpk. Adian FR, ST, MT as the coordinator of Computer and Information Technology Laboratory
5. Sdr. Antonio Fernandez, as a coordinator of MUTLIMEDIA practice 2008
6. The assistant, who always help smooth the report.
7. Colleagues concentration of Information and Computer all that we can not mention one-at.
I make this report as a result of the real that I get during MUTLIMEDIA practice. Hopefully with this report, student can learn from the discussion made a mistake or have been made
In this report no escape from the mistakes and shortfalls. Therefore, the author expects criticism and suggestions that build.
Concern above all, I thank you. Hopefully the reports that I have a benefit, such as what we expect, and can be useful as it should.

Semarang, December 2008


Download report of MULTIMEDIA Practice here...

Materi UAS


Materi yang akan diujikan dalam Ujian Akhir Semester adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Engamal Encryption

2. Rabin (Williams) Cryptosystem

3. Rijndael Algorithm

4. Hash Function dan MD5

5. E-commerce (Digital Signature, Contract Signing, Digital Sertificate, Blind Signature)

6. Stegamografy

Sifat : Open ringkasan double folio.

Waktu : 90 menit

Boleh membawa kalkulator.

Ujian Akhir Semester akan dilaksanakan sesuai jadwal dari Jurusan Teknik Elektro UNDIP.

Download soal kriptografi Reguler 2


Materi yang akan diujikan dalam Ujian Akhir Semester adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Platform dan Periperal

2. Media penyimpanan

3. Kompresi (Hutfman, RLE/RLC, LZ)

4. Vitual Reality

5. Kompresi Video

6. Kompresi Audio

Sifat : close Books

Waktu : 90 menit.

Ujian Akhir Semester akan dilaksanakan sesuai jadwal dari Jurusan Teknik Elektro UNDIP.

Download soal UAS Prak. Multimedia...

International Conference

Setelah Indra Setya Prakoso dan Saleh Agus Rosanto sukses meraih Juara III ”Best Poster Paper Award Dalam acara “2008 Regional Student Conference on Research and Development” Di Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia Tanggal 26 – 27 November 2008, sekarang giliran kita unjuk kemampuan, berkompetisi secara sehat dengan bangsa lain.

Siapakah putra DIPONEGORO selanjutnya yang akan segera menyusul untuk menuai kesuksesan??

Siapkan dirimu…

International Conference

“The ITB's Golden Anniversary International Conference”

Bandung, 15 – 20 June 2009

Lembar registrasi dapat diambil di LAKOMINFO Teknik Elektro UNDIP
dengan saudara JOKO SULISTIYO (085726808829)

Best Poster Paper Award


Kepada :

Indra Setya Prakoso dan Saleh Agus Rosanto

dengan Dosen Pembimbing

Eko Handoyo, ST., MT., dan Aghus Sofwan, ST., MT

dari Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro Semarang

Atas Keberhasilannya menjadi Juara III

”Best Poster Paper Award”

Dengan judul :

‘Modelling in Development Management Information System for Customer Service in Kabupaten Kendal Based on GIS’

Dalam acara “2008 Regional Student Conference on Research and Development”

Di Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia

Tanggal 26 – 27 November 2008